Resilient Democracy

Strong in its ability to learn.

The power of democracy lies in the people’s ability to build their shared future together. This is especially important in face of the climate crisis and new technologies, which will continue to cause disruptive change. As we strive for legitimate representation and genuine participation that leads to equitable and better solutions for all, this openness leaves democracy vulnerable to attacks. We are acutely aware that the continuity of democracy cannot be taken for granted. To ensure its long-term viability, we believe in the strength of adjusting to new challenges, defending core values, and persistently engaging in processes of (re-)democratization. 

Some of our core questions

  • How can political participation best coincide with urgent political decisions to combat the climate crisis?    
  • How can democratic processes address issues of redistribution and inclusiveness? What role can civil society and the media play in this respect?
  • How can trust in democratic institutions be strengthened in order to discourage the mobilization of anti-democratic forces?

Strategic Lead

Paulina Fröhlich

Deputy Managing Director and Head of Resilient Democracy

Latest News

Climate Connaction: Youth Climate Fellowship Program

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[applications are closed] You are a young leader, thinker or campaigner committed to climate action? We welcome your application for our non-resident Climate Fellowship Program!

The Progressive Governance Summit - press review

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Media around the world have reported on the Progressive Governance Summit in Berlin.

Joining Forces in Times of Crises

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Progressive politics and authoritarianism abroad and at home
This image was AI-generated by Das Progressive Zentrum, using the DALL-E 2 Image Generator by OpenAI.

The Left’s Fatal Longing for Life as Usual

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Why our failure to resist Putin enthusiastically will haunt us, and how we can overcome it.

Another Democratic Future is Possible

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What is wrong with elections today, and why we should choose our political representatives by lottery instead.

The Progressive Dilemma: Social Europe at a Crossroads

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How populism and the twin shocks of 2016 have, at the same time, bolstered and smothered EU incentives for more social integration


More diverse than united? A comparative analysis of the EU elections 2024

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How did political parties address today’s complex challenges in their European Parliament election programmes and electoral campaigns – and how do they differ in doing so? Which topics dominated the debates? How did the results affect the balance of power in the European Parliament and other EU institutions? What will the policy implications be? This report answers these questions by focusing on a number of key member states in a comparative perspective and – in the wake of the surge of the far right and anti-transformation tendencies – discusses strategies to increase the importance of the EU elections and strengthen the democratic, unifying and forward-facing foundation of the EU itself.
study cover: three persons standing in a landscape pointing at wind mills

Our Energy Transition? – How local Participation can shape Sustainability Transformations

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Democratic negotiation processes in the course of the energy transition and transformation.

Onwards and Upwards

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Delivering on the Promise of Progress

The Disregarded

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A study on the importance of regional perspectives for the great transformation

Democratising Democracy: No Transformation without Democratisation

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For the 2020s to become a decade of transformation, they also have to become a decade of democratisation

The Strategic Value of Visions: Lessons from Innocracy 2020 and outlook on this year’s conference

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We need visions of the future that unify and integrate democracies on their way forward

New Progressive Ostpolitik for Europe

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The complexity of today’s situation should not discourage us from thinking bold

Civil Society Cooperation for the European Public Sphere

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The Second Episode of our Podcast Talking Progress.


More diverse than united?

A comparative analysis of the EU elections 2024

Climate Connaction

Pilot project "Climate Connaction" involves young people in the development…

European Hub

Actually European!?

Study about the German Perception of EU policy


European civil-society conference that explores innovation in democracies

We develop and debate progressive ideas and bring together leading actors who turn thoughts into action. Our think tank’s goal: making the just transformation a reality. ▸ Learn more

Areas of Work

The Modern State

Turning bureaucracy into leadership.

Resilient Democracy

Strong in its ability to learn.

Green New Deal

A just, green, and digital future for all.

Political Strategy

Progress needs majorities.