Sophie Pornschlegel

Policy Fellow

Sophie Pornschlegel is a Policy Fellow at Das Progressive Zentrum and currently works as Director of Studies with the Brussels think-tank Europe Jacques Delors. She teaches a course on European integration at Sciences Po Paris and is the author of the book “Am Ende der gewohnten Ordnung: Warum wir Macht neu denken müssen” (Droemer, 2023). She previously worked as Senior Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre in Brussels, where her research focused on EU institutions, democracy and rule of law. Sophie studied political science and European affairs at Sciences Po Paris, King’s College London and the London School of Economics (LSE).

More diverse than united? A comparative analysis of the EU elections 2024

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How did political parties address today’s complex challenges in their European Parliament election programmes and electoral campaigns – and how do they differ in doing so? Which topics dominated the debates? How did the results affect the balance of power in the European Parliament and other EU institutions? What will the policy implications be? This report answers these questions by focusing on a number of key member states in a comparative perspective and – in the wake of the surge of the far right and anti-transformation tendencies – discusses strategies to increase the importance of the EU elections and strengthen the democratic, unifying and forward-facing foundation of the EU itself.

Practised European Values

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Third working group of our project Daring New Spaces

Our experts analyse: Coalition dispute, political Framing, AfD

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Sophie Pornschlegel, Johannes Hillje, Robert Schütte and Fedor Ruhose comment on recent political developments in national and international media

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