Good ideas alone do not bring about progress – they require powerful advocates and smart strategies to be put into effect. This ranges from developing convincing narratives, and growing broad coalitions to establishing a contemporary style of leadership to bring about lasting change. Together with partners from across Germany, Europe and North America, we devise strategies to win robust progressive majorities that can deliver on their promises.
Some of our core questions
- How can progressives develop a narrative of change? How can we achieve not only acceptance but a desire for transformation within society?
- How can progressives build sustainable alliances that span across sectors, parties, and borders?
- What can the new German administration and progressive governments in other countries learn from each other?
Progressive Security

Strategic Lead
Latest News
The Majority is Convinced: New German Administration is Future-Oriented
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SPD, Greens and FDP have stepped up as a Future-Oriented coalition
Full Speed Ahead: Progress in 2022+ – A Decade for a Just Transformation
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SPD, Greens and FDP as parties of progress
Talking Progress: Germany’s Political Turning Point
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New „Talking Progress“ Podcast episode: Ricarda Lang and Tobias Dürr analyse the German election
Europe’s Man on the Moon Project
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New "Talking Progress" Podcast episode: A Conversation between Robert Habeck and Margrethe Vestager

We develop and debate progressive ideas and bring together leading actors who turn thoughts into action. Our think tank’s goal: making the just transformation a reality. ▸ Learn more