How to foster public support for European climate policies
In this paper Sharon Bautes analyses what kind of EU climate policy would meet with broad social approval – and formulates corresponding recommendations.
Insights from our US election debrief
Following Trump’s election to a second term, we asked experts what this outcome means for progressive forces.
New Opportunities: Public opinion on the politics of the industrial heartlands in the US and Germany
Our new survey in the US and Germany provides insights into how people in both countries feel in this age of insecurity and how they view their government’s responses, with a focus on industrial policy. Do these measures have support in the wider population? Is the economic outlook changing for the better? And what is the potential for stronger democratic participation and for countering right-wing populism?
#PGS24: Progressive Security – How to Champion Change in Times of Uncertainty
How can progressive politics address the feeling of insecurity amid war, social hardship and the climate crisis?
We develop and debate progressive ideas and bring together leading actors who turn thoughts into action. Our think tank’s goal: making the just transformation a reality. ▸ Learn more
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Preparedness, Investment and Industrial Policy in Times of Political Upheaval: Progressive Economics Network Meeting in Berlin
“Trump was not a fluke” – Insights from our US election debrief
PGS24: Progressive Security – How to Champion Change in Times of Uncertainty
Lessons from Germany for a Just Transition
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