Paul Jürgensen

Senior Policy Advisor

Paul Jürgensen is Senior Policy Advisor at Das Progressive Zentrum. In this function, he is responsible for overarching projects in the thematic areas of just transformation and progressive governance. Previously, he was a project manager in the Future of Democracy program area, working on representation and participation, democratic innovations and visions, and dealing with right-wing populism and extremism. Paul is, among other things, co-author of the book “Schleichend an die Macht” (Dietz Verlag, 2020) and the study “Allianzen des Fortschritts” (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2022). Before joining Das Progressive Zentrum, he held a teaching position at the University of Hamburg. He studied political science and politics, economics and philosophy in Passau, Hamburg and Cardiff.



European civil-society conference that explores innovation in democracies

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