Johanna Siebert

Senior Project Manager
just transition and social acceptance; environmentally regressive populism; social inequality

Johanna Siebert is a Senior Project Manager in the programme “Green New Deal” at Das Progressive Zentrum. Previously, she worked as an educator in the NGO sector as well as a freelance researcher for the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM). Her research lies in the field of Global Political Economy and focuses on questions of socio-economic justice in the context of the socio-ecological crisis and societal transformation.


study cover: three persons standing in a landscape pointing at wind mills

Our Energy Transition? – How local Participation can shape Sustainability Transformations

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Democratic negotiation processes in the course of the energy transition and transformation.

We develop and debate progressive ideas and bring together leading actors who turn thoughts into action. Our think tank’s goal: making the just transformation a reality. ▸ Learn more