Progressive Governance Summit

Europe’s largest conference for progressive politics

From Santiago to London, Oslo, Dublin, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Stockholm to Berlin – Progressive Governance conferences and summits have been held worldwide since 1999. Since its inception, the conference has gathered leading as well as up-and-coming academics, activists and political decision-makers from around the globe.

While each Progressive Governance edition has had a different main focus, the underlying goal remains the same: to debate and discuss the current state of centre-left parties and movements as well as common paths forward. The now yearly Progressive Governance series brings cutting-edge intellectual thinking and impactful political actors together to rejuvenate the progressive governing philosophy and political agenda across the world.

Past Events

Progressive Governance – Stockholm Seminar 2023

In 2023, the Progressive Governance consortium organised two seminars bringing together progressive decision makers and impactful thinkers to forge centre-left solutions on balancing short- and long-term policy priorities in the light of the polycrisis.

In his paper titled Progressive Governance in Hard Times – How to Build Momentum for Electoral Success in 2024 our Circle of Friends member Patrick Diamond summarises and contextualises the main points discussed.

Progressive Governance Summit 2022

Hard times call for good friends with a plan. PGS22 gathered leading political actors in Berlin to debate and strategise which (and how) progressive alliances can deliver on the promise of progress. Together, we worked on how campaigns, narratives, and policies can build the capacity for progressives to govern at the local to the international level.

Progressive Governance Summit 2021 (Digital)

Momentum for Change: Defining a Decade of Progress

As the political priorities shift from crisis management to the transition of societies and systems post-pandemic, progressives must lead a new political era defined by courage and action. 2021’s summit focused on which political strategies and approaches can lay the foundation to make the 2020s a decade of progress. 

Progressive Governance Summit 2020 (Digital)

Restart! A progressive agenda for a new normality in the post-pandemic world.

PGS20 was a window of opportunity for progressives to come together and discuss shared visions of what a post-Covid-19 world should and could look like. How to promote international solidarity in times of crisis was the central objective of #PGS20.

Progressive Governance Summit 2019

2019’s symposium marked an important milestone in the European and Transatlantic progressive movement discussing the imperative for progressives around the world to reinvigorate their policies and politics in the face of resurgent right-wing nationalism and populism.

Project Lead

Florian Ranft

Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung und Leiter | Green New Deal

Axel Ruppert


Sandra Rath


Events and Operations Lead

Tanya Shoshan

Leiterin Events & Operations

Communications Lead

Aaron Remus

stellv. Leitung Strategische Kommunikation

PGS Blog

“Trump was not a fluke” – Insights from our US election debrief

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Following Trump’s election to a second term, we asked experts what this outcome means for progressive forces – in the U.S., across various states, and in Europe. Here’s what they shared in our election debrief.

#PGS24: Progressive Security – How to Champion Change in Times of Uncertainty

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How can progressive politics address the feeling of insecurity amid war, social hardship and the climate crisis?

Progressive Sicherheit: Leitlinien für eine zukunftsfähige globale Sicherheitsstrategie

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Die globalen Krisen der Moderne haben ein Gefühl kollektiver Verunsicherung erzeugt. Florian Ranft und Dominic Schwickert erklären, womit sich progressive Sicherheitspolitik beschäftigen muss, um diesem Gefühl zu begegnen.

“Trump was not a fluke” – Insights from our US election debrief

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Following Trump’s election to a second term, we asked experts what this outcome means for progressive forces – in the U.S., across various states, and in Europe. Here’s what they shared in our election debrief.

#PGS24: Progressive Security – How to Champion Change in Times of Uncertainty

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How can progressive politics address the feeling of insecurity amid war, social hardship and the climate crisis?

Progressive Sicherheit: Leitlinien für eine zukunftsfähige globale Sicherheitsstrategie

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Die globalen Krisen der Moderne haben ein Gefühl kollektiver Verunsicherung erzeugt. Florian Ranft und Dominic Schwickert erklären, womit sich progressive Sicherheitspolitik beschäftigen muss, um diesem Gefühl zu begegnen.

Progressive Governance – Stockholm Seminar 2023

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Vor dem entscheidenden Wahljahr 2024 nimmt der Druck der extremen Rechten zu. Während unseres zweitägigen Seminars in Stockholm stand vor allem die Frage im Mittelpunkt, was Progressive aus den schwedischen Erfahrungen im Umgang mit dem Rechtspopulismus im kommenden Wahljahr lernen können.

If You Really Want The ‘Zeitenwende’, Listen to the EU’s North-Eastern Flank

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Why defence isn't merely a matter of military security and the 'peace' and 'justice for Ukraine' advocates are much more similar than they'd like to admit.

How Alliances Empower Progressive Governance

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Lessons from progressives in Europe and North America

Das war der Progressive Governance Summit 2022

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Wie kann das progressive Lager auf die Poly-Krise reagieren? Mit dieser Leitfrage beschäftigten sich internationale Spitzenpolitiker:innen beim Progressive Governance Summit in Berlin.

Child Care Policy is Labor Policy

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Building Progressive Economic Policy To Meet Our Times

This was the 2021 Progressive Governance Digital Summit

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100+ speakers, 25 co-hosts and partners, 3 days, 1 community

Deutsche blicken pessimistisch in die Zeit nach der Pandemie

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Repräsentative YouGov-Umfrage in den G7-Staaten

Wir entwickeln und debattieren Ideen für den gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt – und bringen diejenigen zusammen, die sie in die Tat umsetzen. Unser Ziel als Think Tank: das Gelingen einer gerechten Transformation. ▸ Mehr erfahren