Christabel Cooper

Labour Together

Christabel Cooper is the Director of Research at Labour Together, a political think tank aligned with the Labour party. She spent fifteen years working as a data analyst in the private sector, specialising in Big Data and also carried out extensive research and polling after the Brexit referendum. She was formerly a Labour councilor in Hammersmith and Fulham.

Labour’s Pathway to Power: Security, Security, Security

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For the first time in 13 unlucky years things are looking up for progressives in Britain. To support Labour's chances to form a new government, Labour Together has been developing a policy and communications strategy based on the idea of security. This reflects both the immediate financial insecurity being felt by many voters but also a more profound sense of uncertainty resulting from the shocks of the last few years.

Wir entwickeln und debattieren Ideen für den gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt – und bringen diejenigen zusammen, die sie in die Tat umsetzen. Unser Ziel als Think Tank: das Gelingen einer gerechten Transformation. ▸ Mehr erfahren