Summit on European Cultural Politics and New Digital Solutions

Debating the Future of European Cultural Policy – and the Role Digital Spaces Could Play

What kind of policies are needed to support the European arts and culture scene? How can new digital spaces empower cultural actors across Europe? To answer these questions, Das Progressive Zentrum and the Goethe-Institut organised the “Europe takes part!” digital summit on 29 April 2021.

How can spaces for culture and creatives be protected and developed across Europe? What role can and should digital spaces play in the future of a European cultural policy? The ongoing debate surrounding these questions has been accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic. To tackle these challenges, the “Europe takes part!” project aims to open up the dialogue on European cultural policy and the potential of new digital spaces to enable exchange and foster empowerment of the European arts and culture scene.

At this half-day event, arts and culture practitioners and experts came together to engage with policy-makers from across Europe at the

Summit on European Cultural Politics and New Digital Solutions
on 29 April 2021, 14:00 – 17:45 CET, online

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Check out more projects and events!

Eager to continue the conversation after our Summit? Take a look at these events and initiatives that aim to support the European arts and culture scene and explore the potential of digital spaces:

European Institute of Innovation & Technology

The European Institute of Innovation & Technology launches a new Knowledge and Innovation Community focusing on the Cultural & Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI).

Humans in the EU

Humans in the EU was created in 2018 in order to present stories of people working in European affairs in Brussels, and the project quickly gathered thousands of followers. The project is now re-launched as an umbrella, multimedia platform, under which other projects with a human, European approach will publish their content. Humans in the EU uses diverse creative media to tell human stories fostering intercultural understanding, dialogue, and active citizenship. The stories are provided by a strategic community of creators and communicators as well as a wide range of media partners and collectives.

This project is powered by Alliance4Europe and funded by the European Parliament.

European Spaces of Culture (Call for Ideas until 13 June 2021)

European Spaces of Culture is testing innovative collaboration models in cultural relations between European and local partner organisations in countries outside the EU. At the heart of the project lies a new spirit of dialogue, in which equality, mutual listening and learning represent the core values that help build trust and understanding between peoples. The European Commission attributed the project to EUNIC.

Voices of Culture

Voices Of Culture is the structured dialogue between the cultural sector in the European Union and the European Commission. It provides a platform for civil society representatives of the cultural sector to give input to the European Commission on a range of topics.

European Alliance of Academies

On „Europe Day“ on 9 May, The European Alliance of Academies takes the opportunity to stand up for artistic freedom. They ask: What are the legal and political possibilities to defend it? How can creative cooperation take place in the digital space? What role does Europe play for artists? In cooperation with ECCHR and with actors of our alliance from all over Europe, we will discuss political and artistic possibilities for action.

Creative Unite Platform

Creatives Unite is a platform gathering all pertinent information about Covid-19 related activities for and by the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSIs). It was created in May 2020 at the initiative of Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and is operated by the Goethe-Institut and the European Creative Hubs Network as part of Creative FLIP project. Europe’s re-opening in the aftermath of the pandemic will ensure the platform’s continued importance to the sector, providing a space for exchange and showcasing good practices and ways forward.


Space-is-your-own-expression is an artistic Documentary Photographic Project on Instagram that examines the understanding of “space” under the condition of Covid-19 in Malta.

Over the Border Music Diversity Festival

Commitment to integration, understanding between nations and religions, combating racism and protecting the climate are topics of the Music Diversity Festival in the cosmopolitan, international UN and Beethoven City of Bonn. The main supporters of the festival are UNCCD, Telekom, WDR-Cosmo, Initiative Musik and the City of Bonn.

This event takes place in the context of “Europe takes part!”, a project by Das Progressive Zentrum in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut, supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. “Europe takes part!” aims to shed light on the role of arts and culture in Europe and to strengthen its actors through the use of digital tools.

A project by

In cooperation with

Supported by


Paulina Fröhlich

Stellvertretende Geschäftsführerin und Leiterin | Resiliente Demokratie
Paulina Fröhlich ist stellvertretende Geschäftsführerin und verantwortet den Schwerpunkt „Resiliente Demokratie“ des Berliner Think Tanks Das Progressive Zentrum. Dort entwirft sie Dialog- und Diskursräume, leitet die europäische Demokratiekonferenz „Innocracy“ und ist Co-Autorin von Studien und Discussion Papers.
Raphaela Hobbach war Senior Projektmanagerin im Bereich europäische Demokratie und internationaler Dialog beim Progressiven Zentrum. Sie studierte Politikwissenschaft mit einem Schwerpunkt auf europäische und internationale Politik in Hamburg, Paris und München und wurde Anfang 2020 an der LMU München promoviert.

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