Recap: Youth Climate Fellowship Program climate study trip to Berlin 

This September, from 16th to 23rd, we had the great pleasure of reuniting with the Fellow-Group in person and welcoming them to Berlin and at our office at Das Progressive Zentrum!

During this climate policy study trip, we focused on German foreign climate policy and the connection between German politics with countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans. We had the chance to meet exciting guests to network in the middle of political Berlin, discuss with German officials and high-ranking politicians with expertise in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, engage in discussions with climate scientists, learn in workshops from and with civil society actors, local activists and gain insights into the work of initiatives from the region on topics such as mobility, energy efficiency, renewable energies and much more!

We were very grateful for rich debates and valuable exchnages with remarkable guests and partners:

Anna Lührmann

Nyke Slawik 

Boris Mijatovic & Josip Juratovic

Carla Reemtsma

Germanwatch e.V.

Freie Ungarische Botschaft – FUB e.V.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Hirschl

→ Would you like to discover more highlights of the trip from the Fellows‘ perspective?? Then read the Fellows´ travel reports by Julia Kozakiewicz, Hristijan Ilievski, Elena Petrovska, Ademir Ćosićkić and Rebecca Rechenberg.



Luise unterstützte das Progressive Zentrum als Junior Projektmanagerin im Bereich Resiliente Demokratie. Dabei begleitete sie aktuell 26 junge Menschen aus Deutschland, Osteuropa und dem Westbalkan in einem internationalen Fellowship-Programm im Vorfeld der COP28 zu Klimapolitik und Umweltthemen.

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