Hinterzimmer versus Inszenierung
Wie man in Deutschland heutzutage Kanzlerkandidat:in wird
Wie man in Deutschland heutzutage Kanzlerkandidat:in wird
We need visions of the future that unify and integrate democracies on their way forward
Progressive politics has to offer both practical policies for the present, and a sense of the more ambitious, longer-term transitions
The post-COVID social contract must establish new systems of public governance, tackle inequality, polarisation and the climate crisis
Current challenges of the European foreign policy vis-à-vis Russia
It’s time to rethink and redraw the social and political institutions that we need going forward to foster social and economic value creation
Strengthening the transatlantic alliance from the bottom up
This paper was created in the context of “Daring New Spaces: Striving towards a European Public Sphere
This paper was created in the context of “Daring New Spaces: Striving towards a European Public Sphere”
This paper was created in the context of “Daring New Spaces: Striving towards a European Public Sphere”
Um wachsen zu können, ist das Community Organizing, der Aufbau von Beziehungen zwischen den Menschen, für eine Partei von größter Bedeutung
Private als auch öffentliche Organisationen experimentieren mit neuen Methoden aus der Organisationslehre, um beteiligungsorientierte Entscheidungsprozesse zu ermöglichen