A Trade Unionist’s Guide to Shaping a Just Transition
What we need to combine ambitious climate policies with fair pay, decent work, and equitable prosperity.
What we need to combine ambitious climate policies with fair pay, decent work, and equitable prosperity.
Economic growth and political power are again concentrating in the most dynamic regions. How can we counter territorial neglect, discontent and rising populism?
What is wrong with elections today, and why we should choose our political representatives by lottery instead
“It is quite simple. If in doubt, do not do it.” Urban economist Ramon Marrades on how to build progressive infrastructure.
Longstanding deadlocks over how to pay for the green transition in the US have been breached. What is the next step for climate politics?
How populism and the twin shocks of 2016 have, at the same time, bolstered and smothered EU incentives for more social integration
Key takeaways with Klára Dobrev & Anikó Gregor