EU Digital Challenges – Policy Briefings

“Artificial Intelligence: Building the European Way” and “Cybersecurity: is European governance possible?”


For the first time, three European think tanks joined forces to reflect upon the EU digital technologies strategy: Renaissance Numérique, EuropaNova, and Das Progressive Zentrum. As a concrete realization of this partnership, the think tanks launched a common series of conferences in both France and Germany: “EU Digital Challenges”. Read here two policy briefings from the project.

“Artificial Intelligence: Building the European Way”

Policy Brief by Jennyfer Chrétien (General Delegate of Renaissance Numérique)

Artificial intelligence is widely considered “one of the most strategic technologies of the 21st century”. Will Europe prove able to compete in this global race? Genuine ambitions are out there: The European Commission has officially declared it a high priority. Jennyfer Chrétien compares the European approach with China’ and the USA’s – and shows why the EU needs to develop a transversal strategy.

“Cybersecurity: is European governance possible?”

Policy Brief will follow soon


Janis Prinz arbeitete von November 2018 bis Mai 2020 als Trainee beim Progressiven Zentrum im Programmbereich "Strukturwandel" zu energie- & klimapolitischen Fragen sowie zum Thema Populismus.
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Wir entwickeln und debattieren Ideen für den gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt – und bringen diejenigen zusammen, die sie in die Tat umsetzen. Unser Ziel als Think Tank: das Gelingen einer gerechten Transformation. ▸ Mehr erfahren