New think tank partners after the #EuropeanTownHall Meeting series

In the context of our transnational, civil society project “Dialogue on Europe” we are happy to announce new partnerships with six renowned think tanks from our project countries. Our new think tank partners supported us in organising the #EuropeanTownHall Meetings and have been contributing to the Opening Conference in Berlin.

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute: The Paris-based think tank’s objective is to produce analyses and proposals targeting European decision-makers and a wider audience, and to contribute to the debate on the European Union. Thanks to the support of Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute we managed to organise a great French-German #EuropeanTownHall Meeting in Marseilles on 26 May 2016.

IAI Istituto Affari Internazionali: The Rome-based Institute aims to promote an understanding of the problems of international politics through studies, research, meetings and publications, with the goal of increasing the opportunities of all countries to move in the direction of supranational organisation, democratic freedom and social justice. For our Italian-German #EuropeanTownHall Meeting in Rome on 5 April 2016, IAI made a crucial contribution to the success of the event.

Fundación Alternativas: Based in Madrid, this Spanish think tank aims to be a channel for advocacy and political, social, economic and cultural reflection in Spain and Europe, in the context of growing globalisation. Its central objective is the analysis and definition of new ideas with a focus on the needs of citizens and the progress of society. The Spanish-German #EuropeanTownHall Meeting in Madrid on 16 June 2016 was strongly marked by the fruitful collaboration with Fundación Alternativas as well as Politikon, our second Spanish partner think tank founded only in 2010 by a group of young bloggers and analysts working in academia and the private sector. Politikon provided a decisive added value for the success of the Spanish-German #EuropeanTownHall Meeting and our activities in Spain.

Institute of Public Policy (IPP) Thomas Jefferson – Correia da Serra:  Based in Lisbon, IPP’s mission is to contribute to improving the analysis and public discussion of public institutions and policies with particular emphasis on Portugal and Europe, through the pursuit and dissemination of relevant research. IPP aims to promote a society in which public debate and policy-making processes are more rigorous and informed. For the organisation of the Portuguese-German #EuropeanTownHall in Lisbon on 7 March 2016, IPP was our reliable cooperation partner before, during and after the event.

ELIAMEP: Athens-based ELIAMEP’s mission is to provide a forum for public debate on issues of European integration and international relations and to conduct scientific research that contributes to a better informed and documented knowledge of the European and international environment. We feel privileged to have had ELIAMEP as our partner organisation for the very first #EuropeanTownHall Meeting in Athens on 7 December 2015.


Dominic Schwickert

Geschäftsführer des Progressiven Zentrums
Dominic Schwickert ist seit Ende 2012 Geschäftsführer des Progressiven Zentrums. Er hat langjährige Erfahrung in der Politik- und Strategieberatung (u.a. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Bertelsmann Stiftung, IFOK GmbH, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, Deutscher Bundestag, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie).

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