After-Work US Election Debrief

Freitag, 8. November 2024 | 19:00 - 20:00 Uhr
 | Online / Zoom

Direkt nach den US-Wahlen werden wir im Rahmen einer Wahlnachlese analysieren und diskutieren, was die Ergebnisse für progressive Kräfte auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks bedeuten. Veranstaltungssprache ist Englisch.

The US elections on 5 November are drawing to a dramatic close. One thing seems clear: current polls point to a knife-edge decision by US voters on who will succeed President Biden in the White House. The choice voters have could not be starker. While Kamala Harris has made the national right to abortion one of her most important campaign issues and is seeking to reconcile divisions  after years of political polarisation, Trump may dismantle US democracy during his second term in office. On election day, much will depend on the messaging, mobilisation and momentum of both parties and candidates in the final days of the campaign in seven key swing states.

For Europe, the stakes in this election are undoubtedly high. Often seen as the “last transatlantic president” Joe Biden’s farewell visit to Berlin in October was his final step to strengthen America’s relations with Europe that began in 2020. What comes next under a Harris or Trump administration remains to be seen. Yet, a severe shake up of the transatlantic and economic ties and the international efforts to tackle the climate crisis under the latter are very likely.

In this election debrief, we will get first-hand insights into the US election outcome and seek to understand what the implications are for the state of democracy on both sides of the Atlantic and a progressive policy agenda.

Join us to hear from among others:

  • Metin Hakverdi, Member of Bundestag, Social Democratic Party
  • Leslie Herod, Member of the Colorado House of Representatives
  • Scott Holcomb, Member of the Georgia House of Representatives

Moderated by:
Maria Skóra, Policy Fellow, Das Progressive Zentrum & DAAD Research Fellow, American-German Institute, Johns Hopkins University

Please note: This event will be held in English.

This event is organised in cooperation with the Progressive Policy Institute (Washington, D.C.) and the SPD Regional Chapter Berlin.

If you have any questions, you’re welcome to contact our events team


Rachel Stieb

Junior Projektmanagerin

Sandra Rath


Event data

VeranstaltungsortOnline / Zoom
Uhrzeit19:00 - 20:00


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