400 progressives from 21 countries joint the Progressive Governance Symposium 2019 to reimagine the social contract and build communities for change. You can find all videos of the day here.
The Progressive Governance Symposium’s video recap
Food for thought – brief insights by our speakers
Reimagining the social contract
Keynote speech by Matthew Taylor
The coming progressive renaissance
Panel discussion with Marije Laffeber, Quentin Hart, Jack Markell, Valérie Rabault, Florian Ranft
Building a transatlantic coalition for the BIG transformation
Opening remarks by Michael Miebach, Maja Göpel, Jean Pisani-Ferry
Regaining trust and winning the debate on structural change
Panel discussion with Anneliese Dodds, Robert Habeck, Reiner Hoffmann, Michael Werz
Standing up for the people and places left behind by economic change
Keynote speech by Stephan Weil
Hope for tomorrow in times of new nationalism & populism
Panel discussion with Marije Laffeber, Jack Markell, Stephan Weil, Tamás Harangozó
Vincent Venus war Leiter der Kommunikation des Progressiven Zentrums und somit verantwortlich für die Kommunikationskanäle, die Redaktion und Gremienkoordination.