Transforming Not Digitizing. Germany’s Path to Digital Democracy

New Discussion Paper by Laura-Kristine Krause


Laura-Kristine Krause lays out four paths towards implementing and seizing the opportunities of digital democracy in Germany.

In this Discussion Paper Laura-Kristine Krause addresses the source of this paradox and offers a concept of digital democracy as a combination of the dimensions information, participation and transformation.

In urging to see digitalisation as a process reaching beyond the digitalisation of former analogue processes, it lays out four paths towards implementing and seising the opportunities of digital democracy in Germany.


Laura Krause leitete von 2017 bis 2018 im Progressiven Zentrum den Programmbereich Zukunft der Demokratie. Zuvor war sie Senior Associate bei der Strategieberatung Bernstein Public Policy und als Policy Fellow im Progressiven Zentrum assoziiert.
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