The European Election 2019: A Comparative Outlook at the European Election Campaigns in France, Germany and Poland
All three countries experienced a clear politicisation of the public sphere
All three countries experienced a clear politicisation of the public sphere
“Return to the politically abandoned: Conversations in right-wing populist strongholds in Germany and France”
Members of the Assemblée nationale and of the Bundestag met in Berlin and in nine German constituencies
New Discussion Paper by Laura-Kristine Krause
Visit of a delegation of the Assemblée nationale in Berlin
English Showcase Example for the “TruLies” project
Breakfast Briefing on 25th April 2017 at Das Progressive Zentrum
Our Policy Fellow Robert Schütte about Europe’s security under Trump
This essay attempts to look for the reasons of the current success of populists on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
Polish-German Roundtable on National and European Identities
Roundtable organised in partnership with the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI)
The most striking differences between Italian and German populism derive from the novelty that populism represents in the German political and party system