“Creeping into Power” analyses historical interpretations of the New Right

The book is edited by Policy Fellow Andreas Audretsch and historian Claudia Gatzka


The book “Creeping into Power” examines how the New Right instrumentalises history to gain the power to interpret our future. The book will be published in German in July. It is not only an analysis but a call to counter the misuse of history.

The New Right is striving for power in Europe. One of its strongest strategies: the instrumentalisation of history to anchor its ideology in the minds of the people. Myths about the nation, its heroes and struggles for freedom are intended to make nationalism and racial thinking socially acceptable again. This shows: We must fight for history to give the liberal values of our society a future.

In Germany, the AfD evokes over 1000 years of glorious Germanism. In Italy, Matteo Salvini stages himself in the tradition of Italian freedom fighters. In Hungary, Viktor Orbán wants to lead his country back to “historical greatness”. And even for the Corona crisis, the New Right is trying to propagate a renaissance of nationalism as a solution. The national illusion of “clean”, homogenous societies shall become the political consensus of the future.

The book “Creeping into Power” (OT: “Schleichend an die Macht”) analyses the strategy of the New Right in Europe and is at the same time a call to politicians and academics, teachers and civil society to confront the misuse of history.

Book to be Published in July 2020

The book will be published by Dietz Verlag in July 2020, but can already be pre-ordered here. It contains contributions by Andreas Audretsch, Claudia GatzkaPaul JürgensenHedwig RichterJürgen Kocka, Markus Linden and Stephan Ozsváth. In an interview with the German online newspaper “Zeit Online” the editors give a first outline: “The new right-wing theses are far-reaching” (DE).


In his recent capacity, Andreas Audretsch worked as a deputy spokesman at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. Prior to this he was a spokesperson in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy led by Minister Sigmar Gabriel and worked for several Members of the German Parliament.
claudia gatzka

Dr. Claudia C. Gatzka

Visiting Fellow
Claudia Gatzka is an author and historian at the University of Freiburg. Her research focuses on the history of democracy, political communication and participation, particularly in the 20th century. In the programme 'Future of Democracy' at Das Progressive Zentrum, she is interested in election campaign cultures and the possibilities of (new) political alliances.

Prof. Dr. Hedwig Richter

Scientific Council
Hedwig Richter is Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the "Universität der Bundeswehr" in Munich. Her research has been awarded the Offermann Hergarden Prize of the University of Cologne (2010) and the Democracy Foundation Prize (2018).

Paul Jürgensen

Senior Policy Advisor
As a Senior Policy Advisor, Paul Jürgensen oversees projects on representation and participation, democratic innovations and visions, and dealing with right-wing populism and extremism. Prior to this position he completed the trainee program at Das Progressive Zentrum. He is co-author of the book "Schleichend an die Macht" (Dietz Verlag, 2020) and the study "Brücken bauen für die Demokratie" (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2020).
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Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kocka

Scientific Council
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claudia gatzka

Dr. Claudia C. Gatzka

Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Hedwig Richter

Scientific Council

Paul Jürgensen

Senior Policy Advisor

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kocka

Scientific Council

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