Politics in Poland: eternal duopoly or refreshing breeze?
Maria Skóra in Social Europe about the parliamentary elections in Poland 2019
Maria Skóra in Social Europe about the parliamentary elections in Poland 2019
Dinner Discussion on “The Road to Unfreedom” with Timothy Snyder
Key takeaways and reactions from the EPC Policy Dialogue
“Return to the politically abandoned: Conversations in right-wing populist strongholds in Germany and France”
While much has been written and discussed about the media’s role in the ‘populist turn’ in Western democracies, the actual experience of journalists in responding to these turbulent political times has been little explored
Study in right-wing populist strongholds in Germany and France
On Tuesday, 13 December, an expert discussion took place at Das Progressive Zentrum with the populism experts Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser and Nicole Loew. First things first: What is populism? First of all, the populism expert and associate professor at Diego Portales university in Santiago de Chile, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, defined democracy as a combination of …
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Policy Fellow Fedor Ruhose talks to Politico about the AfD’s role at Bundestag
English Showcase Example for the “TruLies” project
As if this new wave of fascism wasn’t bad enough, it will be nothing compared to the onslaught of digital capitalism.
The most striking differences between Italian and German populism derive from the novelty that populism represents in the German political and party system
What is most disturbing is that in recent years radical right-wing parties have had an increasing influence on the government