The German election: our experts in the media
Media coverage of our experts commenting on the parliamentary elections 2021
Media coverage of our experts commenting on the parliamentary elections 2021
On the occasion of the 2021 Bundestag election, Das Progressive Zentrum e.V. hosted the non-partisan “Great Election Night 2021” in the state representation of Rhineland-Palatinate. The evening’s more than 500 guests and speakers (see program here) included academics and journalists Hedwig Richter, Anke Hassel, Michael Werz, Jens Südekum and Jeremy Cliffe, political consultants Frank Stauss and Johannes Hillje, Vice President of the European Parliament Katarina …
The post-COVID social contract must establish new systems of public governance, tackle inequality, polarisation and the climate crisis
Online debate with Noortje Thijssen and René Cuperus
As the year draws to a close, we ask what 2020 means for progressives and what 2021 will hold in store for us
US-Wahlkampfexperte Larry Cohen und Ministerin Bettina Martin diskutieren Wege zu progressiven Regierunsbeteiligungen
A discussion about multilateralism – from the bottom up – with Almut Möller, State Secretary of Hamburg and Stephen K. Benjamin, Mayor of Columbia, SC.
Insights from the study presented at the Progressive Governance Symposium 2019
We are delighted to officially announce that we have started new strategic cooperations with the Italian think tank Volta as well as the French think tank Terra Nova. Milan and Brussels-based Volta is a political network that is closely connected to the Renzi government in Rome. It is actively engaged in the creation and dissemination …
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