The German election: our experts in the media

Media coverage of our experts commenting on the parliamentary elections 2021

The super election year has reached its climax with the Bundestag elections. Whether campaign strategies, the further development of our democracy, or the analysis of the election results and their implications: In the past weeks, our experts at Das Progressive Zentrum have commented on issues surrounding the elections in various media outlets. We present a selection.

Resonance in the international press

For the BBC, our programme head Paulina Fröhlich described her view on the election campaign and the parties. Her conclusion: Many people want change. In particular, they want more climate protection but in combination with social justice.


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In the Guardian Anke Hassel, a member of the Scientific Advisory Board and professor of public policy, analysed the election results. She named the key challenges of a new three-party coalition and ventured a forecast on the development of German politics. In the French newspaper Les Echo, Anke also commented on the role of the FDP and its fiscal policy positions in a possible coalition.

On the ORF Sophie Pornschlegel, political analyst and policy fellow at Das Progressive Zentrum, summed up the Merkel years from a European perspective:

Merkel is a crisis manager with a pragmatic and calm style. A good negotiator and always eager to find solutions.

Nevertheless, Merkel has also made enemies in her stance on Nord Stream 2. On the Euro and migration issues, Sophie noted: “Some Greeks, Italians and Spaniards will also be pleased that Merkel is now stepping down.”

For The New Statesman, editor Jeremy Cliffe published, live from the Big Election Night, a commentary as well as his analysis of the election results.

Policy Fellow Sabrina Schulz also commented on the election on Sky News UK. Furthermore, an interview with Managing Director, Dominic Schwickert, appeared in the Spanish newspaper La RAZON, and Scientific Advisory Board members Wolfgang Merkel and Anke Hassel commented in the Spanish NIUS and in The Week UK ($). Finally, Wolfgang Schroeder, chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board, commented on the Bundestag elections for France 24finon and Corriere del mezzogiorno.

Further contributions around the election campaign


As Head of Strategic Communications, MeerAs Co-Head of Strategic Communications, Meera was responsible for public relations at Das Progressive Zentrum. Together with her communications team, she ensures an impactful public presence and sparks meaningful debates. Before that, she worked as an online campaigner for the environmental NGO NABU and as Managing Director of Mein Grundeinkommen. In that role, she initiated the first scientific basic income study for Germany, the “Basic Income Pilot Project”. She studied Social Sciences at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and Political Sociology at the London School of Economics.a Zaremba was responsible for public relations at Das Progressive Zentrum. Together with her communications team, she ensures an impactful public presence and sparks meaningful debates. Before that, she worked as an online campaigner for the environmental NGO NABU and as Managing Director of Mein Grundeinkommen.
Hannah Keller was a Junior Communication Manager who joined the communications team of Das Progressive Zentrum in August 2021. She successfully completed her studies in Public Relations with a bachelor’s degree and specialised in political communications in her master's program.

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