The super election year has reached its climax with the Bundestag elections. Whether campaign strategies, the further development of our democracy, or the analysis of the election results and their implications: In the past weeks, our experts at Das Progressive Zentrum have commented on issues surrounding the elections in various media outlets. We present a selection.
Resonance in the international press
For the BBC, our programme head Paulina Fröhlich described her view on the election campaign and the parties. Her conclusion: Many people want change. In particular, they want more climate protection but in combination with social justice.
In the Guardian Anke Hassel, a member of the Scientific Advisory Board and professor of public policy, analysed the election results. She named the key challenges of a new three-party coalition and ventured a forecast on the development of German politics. In the French newspaper Les Echo, Anke also commented on the role of the FDP and its fiscal policy positions in a possible coalition.
On the ORF Sophie Pornschlegel, political analyst and policy fellow at Das Progressive Zentrum, summed up the Merkel years from a European perspective:
Merkel is a crisis manager with a pragmatic and calm style. A good negotiator and always eager to find solutions.
Nevertheless, Merkel has also made enemies in her stance on Nord Stream 2. On the Euro and migration issues, Sophie noted: “Some Greeks, Italians and Spaniards will also be pleased that Merkel is now stepping down.”
For The New Statesman, editor Jeremy Cliffe published, live from the Big Election Night, a commentary as well as his analysis of the election results.
Policy Fellow Sabrina Schulz also commented on the election on Sky News UK. Furthermore, an interview with Managing Director, Dominic Schwickert, appeared in the Spanish newspaper La RAZON, and Scientific Advisory Board members Wolfgang Merkel and Anke Hassel commented in the Spanish NIUS and in The Week UK ($). Finally, Wolfgang Schroeder, chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board, commented on the Bundestag elections for France 24, finon and Corriere del mezzogiorno.
Further contributions around the election campaign
- Die Zeit: „Die Demokratie kann nicht besser sein als wir” by Lenz Jacobsen interviewing Hedwig Richter (03.10.)
- Taz: Außenpolitische Leerstelle by Florian Ranft (01.10.)
- Die Zeit: „Es ist marktwirtschaftlich, nach der begrenzten Ressource zu fragen” by Johannes Schneider interviewing Maja Göpel (29.09.)
- Neue Züricher Zeitung: „Die FDP sitzt in der Falle” by Hannah Bethke interviewing Frank Decker (29.09.)
- Der Tagesspiegel: „Schlumpf ist Trumpf”: Scholz wartet ab, bis er der Last Man Standing ist by Georg Ismar und Hans Monath about election night at Das Progressive Zentrum (27.09.)
- Der Tagesspiegel: „Wahlkampf ist Diktatur auf Zeit” by Hans Monath interviewing Wolfgang Schroeder (27.09.)
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Warum so viele Erstwähler für die FDP stimmten by Corinna Budras quoting Wolfgang Merkel (27.09.)
- NTV: Was der Wahlkampf war – und was nicht by Johannes Hillje (25.09.)
- Deutschlandfunk: Politologe: SPD und Union verantworten den aufgeblähten Bundestag by Friedbert Meurer interviewing Frank Decker (25.09.)
- Deutschlandfunk Kultur: Analyse: Warum der Wahlkampf so viele Wendungen hatte – Bleibt Scholz vorne? by Johannes Hillje (24.09.)
- Süddeutsche Zeitung: Warum die SPD im Osten eine Renaissance erlebt by Cerstin Gammelin und Jens Schneider about an analysis of Das Progressive Zentrum by chairman of the advisory board Wolfgang Schroeder and board member Thomas Kralinski (23.09.)
- Handelsblatt: „Goldene Brücke für die FDP: Die Ampelkoalition ist die einzige Möglichkeit“ by Jens Südekum (23.09.)
- WirtschaftsWoche: Mit diesen Zahlen wird Politik gemacht by Cordula Tutt quoting Bernhard Weßels (23.09.)
- ÜberMedien: Performance statt Positionen: Was im Wahlkampf 2021 zählte by Johannes Hillje (17.09.)
- Der Tagesspiegel: „Wir wählen ins Blaue hinein” by Hans Monath interviewing Wolfgang Merkel (14.09.)
- Deutsche Welle: AfD: Die Macht in den sozialen Medien by Johannes Hillje (24.08.)