100 Days of Scholz: Bridging Domestic and Foreign Policy
Key takeaways with Daniela Schwarzer & Michael Werz
Key takeaways with Daniela Schwarzer & Michael Werz
Europe Takes Part! launches new funding module
Looking back on the fifth anniversary of Europe’s conference on democratic innovation and transformation that took place on October 14 – 15, 2021 in Berlin
Analysing progress and the post-Merkel political landscape
On the occasion of the 2021 Bundestag election, Das Progressive Zentrum e.V. hosted the non-partisan “Great Election Night 2021” in the state representation of Rhineland-Palatinate. The evening’s more than 500 guests and speakers (see program here) included academics and journalists Hedwig Richter, Anke Hassel, Michael Werz, Jens Südekum and Jeremy Cliffe, political consultants Frank Stauss and Johannes Hillje, Vice President of the European Parliament Katarina …
100+ speakers, 25 co-hosts and partners, 3 days, 1 community
Debating the Future of European Cultural Policy – and the Role Digital Spaces Could Play
Entering a new era of liberal democracy and the progressive motors of a new America
Online debate with Noortje Thijssen and René Cuperus
Laying out bold visions of a European public sphere
Health and good work: How can new technologies help secure individual welfare in times of crisis?
US-Wahlkampfexperte Larry Cohen und Ministerin Bettina Martin diskutieren Wege zu progressiven Regierunsbeteiligungen