The Majority is Convinced: New German Administration is Future-Oriented
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SPD, Greens and FDP have stepped up as a Future-Oriented coalition
SPD, Greens and FDP have stepped up as a Future-Oriented coalition
Online debate with Noortje Thijssen and René Cuperus
Survey: The German government still has to seek approval for EU bonds
An interview with Maria Skóra about the cancelled election, political trade-offs and the state of the opposition in Poland
New network parties and their programmes are mushrooming in many crisis-stricken countries in Europe
Fedor Ruhose and Dominic Schwickert present five recommondations for the social democrats to overcome current challanges
In the Policy Brief, Hanno Burmester argues for an increased use of digital innovations, female empowerment, and new ways of citizen participation within political parties.
A Review of the State Elections