New Opportunities: Public opinion on the politics of the industrial heartlands in the US and Germany

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The industrial heartlands have become central to the political and policy future of advanced economies. There is a political battle over who can speak for the communities of the industrial heartlands; and who can offer a new prosperity for areas that have been marked by the social, economic and cultural effects of deindustrialisation. Russia’s war …


Beyond the anger and anxiety: Insights into the attitudes and actions that threaten our democracies – and what to do about it

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In his new paper, John Austin delves into the global rise of nationalist and anti-democratic sentiments, particularly in economically declining industrial heartland communities in Europe and the United States. Based on the learnings from the Industrial Heartlands and Democracy Study Tour in November 2023, the paper outlines the reasons behind people’s dissatisfaction and anger. Factors such as economic decline, geographic inequality, social alienation, and political disillusionment emphasize the urgent need for leaders to understand the underlying emotions and experiences driving these anti-democratic sentiments.


New paths to prosperity in industrial heartlands: Report from the industrial heartlands and democracy study tour

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How can we, economically and socially, revitalize former industrial heartland regions while promoting a green transition? This question sat at the heart of our Industrial Heartlands and Democracy Study Tour held in November 2023, which brought together officials and economic change-makers from the US Midwest for a transatlantic exchange with their European peers.


A Progressive Answer to the Territorial Divide

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Beyond mere electoral considerations – with European elections looming – it remains a crucial task for democrats to understand the reasons for the rise of far-right ideologies. Factors such as the perception of a migration crisis and a degraded public debate serve as catalysts for the proliferation of these ideologies. Access to social infrastructure emerges as a pivotal factor, underscoring the need for comprehensive policies that extend beyond the ballot box.

Reforming the EU is a historical necessity for its ability to (re)act and enlarge

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The European Union is heading towards the next election. In June, we will not only witness the composition of the new European Parliament, but also the lineup of the new European Commission. As of today, prognoses assume a shift to the right, in particular with gains for the national-conservative and far-right fringe parties. Progressives will have to brace for an intensive campaign, as the next legislative period requires historic decisions.