„Schleichend an die Macht“

We develop and debate progressive ideas and bring together leading actors who turn thoughts into action. Our think tank’s goal: making the just transformation a reality. ▸ Learn more
Tereza Novotná was an assistant in the communication team of the Progressive Center from October 2020 to January 2021. Before that, she also completed her internship there. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Czech-German Area Studies in Budweis, where she also spent one semester at the University of Passau. Her bachelor’s thesis focused on the perspectives of Czech and German diplomacy on the civil war in Syria. She is currently studying for a master’s degree in European Integration in East Central Europe at the University of Leipzig. From February to June 2020, she spent a semester at Comenius University in Bratislava. Thematically, her focus is on the challenges for democracy in Central Eastern Europe, gender equality and social issues. In December 2018 and January 2019 she interned at Czech Television, currently she writes columns for Seznam Zprávy, one of the most read reporting and journalism websites in the Czech Republic.
We develop and debate progressive ideas and bring together leading actors who turn thoughts into action. Our think tank’s goal: making the just transformation a reality. ▸ Learn more