NGO’s handling of anti-democratic populism
Media professionals’ handling of anti-democratic populism
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About the project
In cooperation with representatives from German non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and media professionals from broadcasting, TV, print and online media as well as blogs, the project “Countering Populism in Public Space” developed practical guidelines for a confident and conscious approach towards anti-democratic populism in public space. It is important to note that the conclusions drawn in these guidelines were developed within the socio-political context of Germany. Hence, applications to other contexts must be treated with caution. This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) in cooperation with substantive support by the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung and neue deutsche medienmacher*innen.
Translating experience and expertise into practical and concrete guidelines
On the one hand, civil society organizations face the challenge of stimulating a tolerant culture of debate and fostering the objective and free exchange of opinions, without, however, strengthening anti-democratic movements.
On the other hand, media workers must find a way in their work to consciously and confidently deal with populist actors or even anti-democratic perspectives.
By means of a multimedia range of publications, we give practical suggestions for confident handling of anti-democratic populism in public space.
Project Head
Project Assistants
Supported by
under the federal programme
in cooperation with
Project Publications
Countering Populism in Public Space: Media professionals
Countering Populism in Public Space: Non-governmental organisations
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