Philipp Wendel

Federal Foreign Office

About Philipp Wendel

Dr. Philipp Wendel heads the department at the Federal Foreign Office that deals with the foreign policy dimension of the energy transition. His work focuses on the geopolitical implications of the energy transition and the promotion of renewable energies abroad. Previously, he was deputy head of mission at the German Embassy in Bamako, economic advisor at the German Embassy in Rome, political advisor focusing on transatlantic relations in Berlin, and spokesperson for the German Permanent Mission to NATO in Brussels and the German Embassy in Kabul. Philipp holds various law degrees, including a Ph.D., an LL.M. and a Maîtrise en droit.


Foreign Policy and the Just Transition

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Building a bridge between foreign policy and the underlying economic and social changes which arise as part of the challenges of the energy transition

We develop and debate progressive ideas and bring together leading actors who turn thoughts into action. Our think tank’s goal: making the just transformation a reality. ▸ Learn more