Live streaming: New Urban Progress presentation in Washington

How can cities promote inclusive innovation and growth?

Watch the New Urban Progress United States kickoff of the three-year, comparative study of metro innovation. The launch will feature conversations with prominent urban leaders and mayors (in formation), including Mayor Bill Peduto, Pittsburgh, PA; Mayor Levar Stoney, Richmond, VA; Mayor Lovely Ann Warren, Rochester, NY; Former Mayor Sly James, Kansas City, MO.

Agenda of the New Urban Progress US kickoff

Time is EDT. Thus, start at 1:30 pm CET.

8:30 am Welcome and introduction: New Urban Progress: A Transatlantic Dialogue on Metro Innovation and Governance

Will Marshall – PPI, Maria Skora – DPZ

9:00 am A Conversation with Metro Leaders: Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, Mayor Lovely Warren, Rochester; former Kansas City Mayor Sly James; Evan Dreyer, Dept. Chief of Staff to Denver Mayor Michael Hancock

10:00 am Metro analysts roundtable, Going Local: Enabling Metro Innovation Bruce Katz, The New Localism; Amy Liu, Brookings Institution Metro Center; Evan Absher, Kauffman Foundation.

11:00 am Available Workshops

SESSION: Inclusive innovation and growth: How metros incubate new jobs and businesses and enlarge the economic winner’s circle.

Discussion leaders: Tracy Loh – Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking at Brookings Institution, Scott Andes – Carnegie Mellon Block Center.

SESSION: Networked governance: How metros are pioneering new forms of collaborative problem-solving.

Discussion leaders: Steven Bosacker – Director, GMF Cities, Joda Thongnopnua, Metro Ideas Project, Chattanooga

SESSION: Social mobility: Raising skills, spreading capital ownership and building affordable housing.

Discussion Leaders: Sonya R. Porter – Census Bureau, Jenny Schuetz – Brookings Metropolitan Center.

12:30 pm Working lunch: Reports on workshops, wrap-up and next steps, Dane Stangler, PPI

The aim of New Urban Progress, is to study and compare notes on creative metro problem-solving in three U.S. cities and three German cities. The March 10 forum will focus on the project’s three main organizing themes:

  • How cities can promote inclusive innovation and growth (including digital transformation and energy transition)
  • How cities are pioneering networked governance that taps a broad array of civic actors to get things done
  • How cities deal with the challenges of social mobility (including education, skill acquisition and affordable housing)

About New Urban Progress

New Urban Progress is the joint metro initiative of Das Progressive Zentrum, Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and the Progressive Policy Institute.

The project is supported by the Transatlantic Program of the Federal Republic of Germany and funded by the European Recovery Program (ERP) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi).

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At Das Progressive Zentrum, Diego was a Project Manager and primarily coordinated the annual Progressive Governance Summit and the New Urban Progress transatlantic dialogue. Diego is also currently the Get-Out-the-Vote Coordinator for Europe, Middle East, and Africa for Democrats Abroad. Before that role he was Chair of Democrats Abroad Berlin and also a Bernie Sanders Delegate to the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

Dr. Maria Skóra

Policy Fellow
Maria Skóra is a policy fellow at Das Progressive Zentrum. Previously, she was Research Associate at the Institut für Europäische Politik and head of the International Dialogue program at Das Progressive Zentrum.