Alexander Czeh


Alexander Czeh was an NUP Fellow of Das Progressive Zentrum. He works on different aspects of the traffic transformation towards sustainable and therefore inclusive and green mobility. In his PhD at the Institute of Sustainable Urbanism at the Technical University Braunschweig he examines\d the potential of the traffic transformation for the re-design of urban space. He investigates for example, whether more living space can be gained through traffic transformation towards sustainable mobility by the deconstruction of conventional automobile infrastructure in cities. He is a research assistant at the Institute of Transport Research of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and is part of the research group Experi. His latest project is the development of a GIS story map of pop-up infrastructure, which summarizes ideas and the potential of pop-up infrastructure for more livable cities. Currently he is working on the development of a shared cargo bike system in Berlin. Alexander studied at the Technical Universities of Dresden, Delft and Berlin, holds an MBA in Sustainable Mobility Management, and an M.Sc. in Transport Economics.

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